
Art, Politics, and Commerce in Chinese Cinema秒殺出清

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將將~神秘嘉賓現身摟,不論是要送禮或自己用都可以唷 ,給小雅看她也說這售價真的蠻合理的。

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內容簡介: Art, politics, and commerce are intertwined everywhere, but in China the interplay is explicit, intimate, and elemental, and nowhere more so than in the film industry. Understanding this interplay in the era of market reform and globalization is essential to understanding mainland Chinese cinema. This interdisciplinary book provides a comprehensive reappraisal of Chinese cinema, surveying the evolution of film production and consumption in mainland China as a product of shifting relations between art, politics, and commerce. Within these arenas, each of the twelve chapters treats a particular history, development, genre, filmmaker or generation of filmmakers, adding up to a distinctively comprehensive rendering of Chinese cinema. The book illuminates China’s changing state-society relations, the trajectory of marketization and globalization, the effects of China’s stark historical shifts, Hollywood’s role, the role of nationalism, and related themes of interest to scholars of Asian studies, cinema and media studies, political science, sociology, comparative literature and Chinese language. Contributors include Ying Zhu, Stanley Rosen, Seio Nakajima, Zhiwei Xiao, Shujen Wang, Paul Clark, Stephen Teo, John Lent, Ying Xu, Yingjin Zhang, Bruce Robinson, Liyan Qin, and Shuqin Cui.

博客來網路書店作者簡介博客來博客來書店Ying Zhu

Ying Zhu is professor of cinema studies in the Department of Media Culture and co-coordinator of the Modern China Studies Program at the City University of New York, College of Staten Island.

Stanley Rosen

Stanley Rosen is director of the East Asian Studies Center and a professor of political science at the University of Southern California.

Art, Politics, and Commerce in Chinese Cinema秒殺出清 好書推薦 博客來網路書店

  • 出版社:香港大學出版社    新功能介紹
  • 出版日期:2010/03/01
  • 語言:英文

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Art, Politics, and Commerce in Chinese Cinema秒殺出清


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